Monday 11 March 2024

Contributions to the research project

  1. As the leader of the group, I arranged and scheduled online and physical meetings to discuss on the research project
  2. Ensured that my team is on the right track of the task scope
  3. Did up the initial brief tech report and led my team through the brief understanding of the engineering process behind our research idea
  4. Distribute the workload evenly amongst my group
  5. Disseminate any related information on the research into the group chat
  6. Engage my group in team discussions, brainstorm ideas and evaluate each other's inputs on the research project
  7. Check on each other's availability for meetings and their progress on the research project as well as their well being from time to time given how busy everyone's hectic school life is, mutually same goes to everyone


Critical Thinking: Reflection Journal

  Module Learning Throughout this module, I had a few specific objectives going into this module: to improve my critical thinking skills, ho...